Today, competition between countries is maintained with knowledge power, and the future of societies is evaluated by the success of the education provided. In this sense, an important place having trained manpower to meet the needs of the society besides the responsibility of being in Turkey between universities and science centers producing developing countries with a young population ratio in bears.

In order to contribute to the development of our country, it is a priority to train qualified manpower with knowledge, skills and work habits that will achieve high efficiency. A well-trained manpower will not only reduce the potential for negativity, but will also make an important contribution to the country's economy and to produce quality goods and services.

Our university, which was founded in 2018 by dividing from Sakarya University, contributes to the production of science and technology in a wide range of fields of interest. With the slogan of “University Combining Knowledge with Skill” , it works with the sector to raise individuals who can meet the needs of the changing world, who are professionally competent, think critically and analytically, have high communication skills, and have practical skills.

  • Contribution to Society
  • Relations with the Constituents
  • Sustainability

Our University prepares its students for the future with the industry with its Graduate Education Institute, Faculties, Schools and Vocational Schools, with its +1 Education Model, which is based on the motto “Without going to the field”. In addition to the summer internship, our students receive education for at least one semester and full time in the business related to their field, while the university also covers their insurance.


Step By Step Group

We are proud to be accredited agents within the University and officially
with real agreements to provide university services in Northern Cyprus

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