Yildiz Technical University is one of the seven public universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country, as well. Our university has 11 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 30,000 students.

The Kondüktör Mekteb-i Âlisi/Conductors (Technicians) School of Higher Education was founded in 1911 in order to meet the “science officer” (known previously as conductors, and today as technicians) requirement of the Municipality Public Works Section. The school was modelled on the syllabus of the “Ecole de Conducteur” and was affiliated with the Ministry of Public Works. Enrolment began on 22 August 1911.

The name of the school was changed to Nafia Fen Mektebi/School of Public Works in 1922 and the duration of education was increased to 2,5 years in 1926 and 3 years in 1931.

  • Contribution to Society
  • Relations with the Constituents
  • Sustainability

Following the increase in public facilities and the requirement for technical services, a new law was published on 19 December, 1936. According to the new regulation (law no:3074) which came into effect on 1 June 1937 the Nafia Fen Mektebi was closed and the Technical School was established to supply workforce for the gap between technical officers and professional engineers. The school had a 2-year program for technical officers and a 4-year program for engineering. The school was given buildings, which are still in use today, from the Yıldız Palace annexes and moved here.


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